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In Parish Centre hebben we stroomtoevoer voorzien die vertrekt vanuit Hleetinn Town door Aungthukka Quarter en zo naar de Church coumpound. Dit  is het meest verre punt wat bereikt moet worden. Het gaat hier om de hoofdstroomlijnen. Hteetinn Town heeft electriciteitsvoorziening maar de buitenwijken niet. Dit project gaat dus uitsluitend voor de buitenwijken en betreft 100 huizen.

Hieronder uiten ze hun dankbaarheid.


To all our dearest benefactors and benefactresses of VZW Do Well

We all Hteelinn boarders including all the orphans are very happy and we really appreciate your help as we are now able to study and see clearly with the help of electricity since our final exam period is comming. We would like to express our graditude towards VZW Do Well. I can't emphesise enough how much we appreciate the actions of VZW Do Well and how much joy they bring to us all. We and all the children greatly benefit from this project and it is truly essential for our education and our future.
We will never forget your kindness , love and all your selfless good deeds and sacrifices.
We promise you to make good use out of it!
You and all your loved ones will always be remembered in our daily prayers.

Best regards! Yours sincerely,
all the boarders, orphans and Fr.joseph Shing Thang


© 2007 VZW DO WELL, alle rechten voorbehouden

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